Possibilities for the Detection of Santilli Neutroids and Pseudo-protons
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2-1, March 2016
Pages: 131-136
Received: 8 July 2015
Accepted: 9 July 2015
Published: 1 June 2016
Abstract: Following systematic mathematical, theoretical and experimental studies on the synthesis of the neutron from hydrogen, R. M. Santilli noted delayed neutron detections following the termination of tests, and attempted to represent them with the hypothesis of a new state of the hydrogen with spin zero called neutroid consisting of a proton and an electron at 1 fm mutual distance in singlet coupling. More recently, Santilli predicted the possible existence of a second new particle called pseudo-proton characterized by the synthesis of the electron with the neutron, therefore resulting in a negatively charged unstable particle with a mean life expected in the range of that of the neutron and a mass of the order of the hydride ion. Subsequently, Santilli has indicated that, in the event confirmed, the pseudo-proton could eliminate the Coulomb barrier for nuclear syntheses and trigger nuclear transmutations with large release of heat without neutron emission, thus identifying a possible novel use of hydrogen for the industrial production of a basically new clean nuclear energy. In view of the latter possibility, in this paper specific experiments are proposed for the verification or denial of the existence of Santilli neutroid and pseudo-proton and, in case of confirmation, accurate measurements of their characteristics and production in numbers sufficient for industrial application.
Abstract: Following systematic mathematical, theoretical and experimental studies on the synthesis of the neutron from hydrogen, R. M. Santilli noted delayed neutron detections following the termination of tests, and attempted to represent them with the hypothesis of a new state of the hydrogen with spin zero called neutroid consisting of a proton and an ele...
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Hadronic Nuclear Energy: An Approach Towards Green Energy
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2-1, March 2016
Pages: 119-130
Received: 11 August 2015
Accepted: 12 August 2015
Published: 1 June 2016
Abstract: Nuclear energy is undoubtedly the largest energy source capable of meeting the total energy requirements to a large extent in long terms. However the conventional nuclear energy involves production of high level radioactive wastes which possesses threat, both to the environment and mankind. The modern day demand of clean, cheap and abundant energy gets fulfilled by the novel fuels that have been developed through hadronic mechanics / chemistry. In the present paper, a review of Prof. R. M. Santilli’s Hadronic nuclear energy by intermediate controlled nuclear synthesis and particle type like stimulated neutron decay and double beta decay has been presented.
Abstract: Nuclear energy is undoubtedly the largest energy source capable of meeting the total energy requirements to a large extent in long terms. However the conventional nuclear energy involves production of high level radioactive wastes which possesses threat, both to the environment and mankind. The modern day demand of clean, cheap and abundant energy ...
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Compatibility of Arbitrary Speeds with Special Relativity Axioms for Interior Dynamical Problems
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2-1, March 2016
Pages: 143-160
Received: 2 September 2015
Accepted: 2 September 2015
Published: 1 June 2016
Abstract: In this paper, we outline the rapidly growing literature on arbitrary speeds within physical media and show that, contrary to a widespread belief for one century, arbitrary speeds for interior dynamical problems are compatible with the abstract axioms of special relativity, provided that they are realized with the covering isomathematics specifically developed for the conditions considered. We finally point out a number of intriguing implications in cosmology, particle physics, nuclear physics, chemistry, gravitation, and mathematical models of interstellar travel.
Abstract: In this paper, we outline the rapidly growing literature on arbitrary speeds within physical media and show that, contrary to a widespread belief for one century, arbitrary speeds for interior dynamical problems are compatible with the abstract axioms of special relativity, provided that they are realized with the covering isomathematics specifical...
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Exact and Invariant Representation of Nuclear Magnetic Moments and Spins According to Hadronic Mechanics
Anil A. Bhalekar
Ruggero Maria Santilli
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2-1, March 2016
Pages: 56-118
Received: 13 January 2016
Accepted: 14 January 2016
Published: 1 June 2016
Abstract: In order to render this paper minimally self-sufficient, we review and specialize the main structure of the isomathematics to nuclear constituents as extended and deformable charge distributions under linear and non-linear, local and non-local and Hamiltonian as well non-Hamiltonian interactions; we then review and specialize for the nuclear structure the main laws of the isotopic branch of hadronic mechanics known as isomechanics; we review and specialize the method for turning quantum mechanical nuclear models for point-like nucleons into covering isomechanical models for extended and deformable constituents under the most general known realization of strong interactions; we then review and specialize to nuclear structures the consequential notion of isoparticles; we then review the ensuing, first known, numerically exact and time invariant representation of the magnetic moments of stable nuclides; we then review the structure of the neutron as a bound state according to isomechanics of an isoproton and an isoelectron; and we finally review the ensuing three-body structure of the Deuteron. Via the use of the preceding advances. We then present, apparently for the first time, a numerically exact and time invariant representation of the spin of stable nuclides, firstly, via their approximation as isotopic bound states of isodeuterons, isoneutron and isoprotons, and secondly, via their reduction to isobound states of isoprotons and isoelectrons. Some observations on the nuclear configurations so obtained have also been presented in the case of the first model and in view of the second option we have identified in isoelectrons the nuclear glue which tightly holds isonucleons of stable nuclide in the atomic nucleus in the preferred orientation of their intrinsic spins. In Appendix A, we provide a technical review specialized for the first time to nuclear physics of the Lie-Santilli theory and its main application to the notion of isoparticles as isoirreducible isounitary isorepresentations of the Lorentz-Poincaré-Santilli isosymmetry.
Abstract: In order to render this paper minimally self-sufficient, we review and specialize the main structure of the isomathematics to nuclear constituents as extended and deformable charge distributions under linear and non-linear, local and non-local and Hamiltonian as well non-Hamiltonian interactions; we then review and specialize for the nuclear struct...
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Possible Role of Antimatter Galaxies for the Stability of the Universe
S. Beghella-Bartoli
R. M. Santilli
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2-1, March 2016
Pages: 185-190
Received: 19 January 2016
Accepted: 19 January 2016
Published: 1 June 2016
Abstract: Recent mathematical, theoretical and experimental studies have confirmed via measurements on Earth Zwicky's hypothesis according to which the cosmological redshift is due to galactic light losing energy to intergalactic media without the expansion of the universe. The main problem of the ensuing return to a static universe is the inevitable prediction that the universe should collapse due to gravitational attractions among galaxies. In this paper, we review the historical inability by general relativity to achieve a stable universe solely composed of matter, and present apparently for the first time a cosmological model in which the universe achieves stability under the condition of admitting an equal number of matter and antimatter galaxies at such a large mutual distance for which gravitational interactions are ignorable.
Abstract: Recent mathematical, theoretical and experimental studies have confirmed via measurements on Earth Zwicky's hypothesis according to which the cosmological redshift is due to galactic light losing energy to intergalactic media without the expansion of the universe. The main problem of the ensuing return to a static universe is the inevitable predict...
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Santilli’s Isodual Mathematics and Physics for Antimatter
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2-1, March 2016
Pages: 161-184
Received: 3 July 2015
Accepted: 4 July 2015
Published: 1 June 2016
Abstract: In this paper, we study the isodual branch of hadronic mechanics achieved by the Italian-American scientist R. M. Santilli following decades of research. We show that, thanks to the background isodual mathematics (whose knowledge is assumed), Santilli’s isodual theory of antimatter appears to be the only axiomatically consistent and time invariant theory permitting a {\it classical} representation of {\it neutral} (as well as charged) antimatter whose operator image is equivalent to charge conjugation, thus verifying all known experimental data in the field. We then show the important prediction of {\it gravitational repulsion} between matter and antimatter, with particular reference to the prediction that light emitted by antimatter, known as {\it isodual light,} experiences gravitational repulsion when in the field of matter. We finally point out that recent detections of antimatter galaxies via Santilli telescope with concave lenses may eventually result to be the first experimental evidence of antigravity.
Abstract: In this paper, we study the isodual branch of hadronic mechanics achieved by the Italian-American scientist R. M. Santilli following decades of research. We show that, thanks to the background isodual mathematics (whose knowledge is assumed), Santilli’s isodual theory of antimatter appears to be the only axiomatically consistent and time invariant ...
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Study of Bose-Einstein Correlation Within the Framework of Hadronic Mechanics
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2-1, March 2016
Pages: 137-142
Received: 8 July 2015
Accepted: 9 July 2015
Published: 1 June 2016
Abstract: The Bose-Einstein correlation is the phenomenon in which protons and antiprotons collide at extremely high energies; coalesce one into the other resulting into the fireball of finite dimension. They annihilate each other and produces large number of mesons that remain correlated at distances very large compared to the size of the fireball. It was believed that special relativity and relativistic quantum mechanics are the valid frameworks to represent this phenomenon. Although, R.M. Santilli showed that the Bose-Einstein correlation requires four arbitrary parameters (chaoticity parameters) to fit the experimental data which parameters are prohibited by the basic axioms of relativistic quantum mechanics, such as that for the vacuum expectation values. Moreover, Santilli showed that correlated mesons can not be treated as a finite set of isolated point-like particles as required for the exact validity of the Lorentz and Poincare's symmetries, because the event is non-local due to overlapping of wavepackets and consequential non-Hamiltonian effects. Therefore, the Bose-Einstein correlation is incompatible with the axiom of expectation values of quantum mechanics. In this paper, we study Santilli's exact and invariant representation of the Bose-Einstein correlation via relativistic hadronic mechanics including the exact representation of experimental data from the first axiomatic principles without adulterations, and consequential exact validity of the Lorentz-Santilli and Poincare-Santilli isosymmetries under non-local and non-Hamiltonian internal effect. We finally study the confirmation of Santilli's representation of the Bose-Einstein correlation by F. Cardone and R. Mignani.
Abstract: The Bose-Einstein correlation is the phenomenon in which protons and antiprotons collide at extremely high energies; coalesce one into the other resulting into the fireball of finite dimension. They annihilate each other and produces large number of mesons that remain correlated at distances very large compared to the size of the fireball. It was b...
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Studies on Santilli Three-Body Model of the Deuteron According to Hadronic Mechanics
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2-1, March 2016
Pages: 46-55
Received: 8 July 2015
Accepted: 9 July 2015
Published: 18 May 2016
Abstract: In this paper, we outline the inapplicability (rather than the violation) of quantum mechanics for the representation of the synthesis of the neutron from the Hydrogen atom in the core of a star, and we outline the corresponding inability of quantum mechanics for a consistent representation of all characteristics of the deuteron as a two-body state of one proton and one neutron in its ground state. We then outline the first representation of all characteristics of the neutron achieved by R. M. Santilli via a a generalized two-body bound state of one proton and one electron in conditions of total mutual penetration according to the laws of hadronic mechanics, thus implying the mutation of particles into isoparticles under the Lorentz-Santilli isosymmetry. We then outline the first representation of all characteristics of the deuteron also achieved by R. M. Santilli via a generalized three-body bound state of two isoprotons and one isoelectron, including the first known exact and time invariant representation of the deuteron spin, magnetic moment, binding energy, stability, charge radius, dipole moment, etc. We finally study further advances of Santilli three-body model of the deuteron in preparation of its extension to all nuclei, such as: the admission of exact analytic solution for the structure of the deuteron as a restricted three-body system; the validity in first approximation of the structure of the deuteron as a two-body system of one isoproton and one iso neutron; the importance for the representation of experimental data of the deformability of the charge distribution of the proton and the neutron which is prohibited by quantum mechanics but readily permitted by hadronic mechanics in the notion of isoparticle; and other aspects.
Abstract: In this paper, we outline the inapplicability (rather than the violation) of quantum mechanics for the representation of the synthesis of the neutron from the Hydrogen atom in the core of a star, and we outline the corresponding inability of quantum mechanics for a consistent representation of all characteristics of the deuteron as a two-body state...
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Santilli Synthesis of the Neutron According to Hadronic Mechanics
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2-1, March 2016
Pages: 37-45
Received: 17 July 2015
Accepted: 18 July 2015
Published: 18 May 2016
Abstract: In 1920 H. Rutherford conjectured that neutron is a compressed hydrogen atom in the core of the stars. W. Pauli noted that such synthesis of neutron violates the conservation of the angular momentum. Therefore, E. Fermi proposed emission of massless particle, called "neutrino". However, R.M. Santilli more recently noted that, even though the angular angular momentum would be conserved, the neutrino hypothesis does not allow non-relativistic quantum mechanics to be valid because the rest energy of the neutron is bigger than the sum of the rest energies of the proton and electron, under these conditions Schrodinger equation becomes inconsistent. Similarly, Santilli showed that relativistic quantum mechanics is also inapplicable (rather than violated) because, even though exactly valid for the electron at large distance from the proton in the hydrogen atom, the celebrated Dirac's equation is clearly inapplicable for the representation of electron when immersed inside the proton. In this paper, we study Santilli's decades of mathematical, theoretical and experimental research, first for the construction of the covering hadronic mechanics, and then the resulting numerically exact and time invariant representation at the non-relativistic and relativistic levels of "all" chararcteristics of the neutron in its synthesis from a proton and an electron. In particular, we show that, within said covering context, the representation of proton as an extended particle implies the existence of an orbital angular momentum of the electron within the hyperdense proton which is totally non-existence for quantum mechanics, under which the total angular momentum is conserved without any need for the conjectural neutrino. We finally study Santilli's suggestive hypothesis of the "etherino" as a longitudinal impulse (rather than particle) from the ether as a universal substratum that delivers missing energy for the synthesis of the neutron.
Abstract: In 1920 H. Rutherford conjectured that neutron is a compressed hydrogen atom in the core of the stars. W. Pauli noted that such synthesis of neutron violates the conservation of the angular momentum. Therefore, E. Fermi proposed emission of massless particle, called "neutrino". However, R.M. Santilli more recently noted that, even though the angula...
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Studies on Santilli’s Isonumber Theory
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2-1, March 2016
Pages: 17-36
Received: 10 August 2015
Accepted: 11 August 2015
Published: 18 May 2016
Abstract: Beginning with studies in the 1980s at the Department of Mathematics of Harvard University, the Italian-American scientist R. M. Santilli discovered new realizations of the abstract axioms of numeric fields with characteristic zero, based on an axiom-preserving generalization of conventional associative product and consequential positive-definite generalization of the multiplicative unit, today known as Santilli isonumbers [1], and the resulting novel numeric fields are known as Santilli isofields. By remembering that 20th century mathematics was formulated on numeric fields, their generalization into isofields stimulated a corresponding generalization of all of 20th century mathematics and its application to mechanics, today known as Santilli isomatheatics and isomechanics, respectively, which is used for the representation of extended-deformable particles moving within physical media under Hamiltonian as well as contact non-Hamiltoian interactions. Additionally, Santilli discovered a second realization of the abstract axioms of a numeric field, this time with arbitrary (non-singular) negative definite generalized unit and related multiplication, today known as Santilli isodual isonumber [1] that have stimulated a second covering of 20th century mathematics and mechanics known as Santilli isodual isomathematics and isodual isomechanics. The latter methods are used for the classical as well as operator form of antimatter in full democracy with the study of matter. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of Santilli's epoch making discoveries of isonumbers and their isoduals along with their application to isomechanics and its isodual for matter and antimatter, respectively.
Abstract: Beginning with studies in the 1980s at the Department of Mathematics of Harvard University, the Italian-American scientist R. M. Santilli discovered new realizations of the abstract axioms of numeric fields with characteristic zero, based on an axiom-preserving generalization of conventional associative product and consequential positive-definite g...
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Outline of Hadronic Mathematics, Mechanics and Chemistry as Conceived by R. M. Santilli
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2-1, March 2016
Pages: 1-16
Received: 11 August 2015
Accepted: 24 August 2015
Published: 18 May 2016
Abstract: In this paper, we outline the various branches of hadronic mathematics and their applications to corresponding branches of hadronic mechanics and chemistry as conceived by the Italian-American scientist Ruggero Maria Santilli. According to said conception, hadronic mathematics comprises the following branches for the treatment of matter in conditions of increasing complexity: 1) 20th century mathematics based on Lie’s theory; 2) IsoMathematics based on Santilli’s isotopies of Lie’s theory; 3) GenoMathematics based on Santilli’s formulation of Albert’s Lie-admissibility; 4) HyperMathematics based on a multi-valued realization of genomathematics with classical operations; and 5) HyperMathematics based on Vougiouklis Hv hyperstructures expressed in terms of hyperoperations. Additionally, hadronic mathematics comprises the anti-Hermitean images (called isoduals) of the five preceding mathematics for the description of antimatter also in conditions of increasing complexity. The outline presented in this paper includes the identification of represented physical or chemical systems, the main mathematical structure, and the main dynamical equations per each branch. We also show the axiomatic consistency of various branches of hadronic mathematics as sequential coverings of 20th century mathematics; and indicate a number of open mathematical problems. Novel physical and chemical applications permitted by hadronic mathematics are presented in subsequent collections.
Abstract: In this paper, we outline the various branches of hadronic mathematics and their applications to corresponding branches of hadronic mechanics and chemistry as conceived by the Italian-American scientist Ruggero Maria Santilli. According to said conception, hadronic mathematics comprises the following branches for the treatment of matter in conditio...
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